Developing Healthy Spiritual Growth: Knowledge, Practice, and Experience
ISBN: 9780852349472Here is real incentive for spiritual growth as Joel Beeke expounds Paul's longing for the Colossian believers in terms of knowledge, practice, and experience. The motive for growth is heartfelt gratitude as a response to all that the Triune God has done: this book will leave every Christian longing for healthy spiritual growth and with a firm foundation on which to achieve it.
Table of Contents: Author:
Joel R. Beeke (Ph.D. Westminster Theological Seminary) is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, pastor of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, editor of The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth, and author of numerous books.
No one I know has a greater command of teaching practical godliness and experiential Christianity than Joel Beeke. Drawing upon Paul's prayer for the believers in Colossae, Beeke utilizes his exceptional exegetical abilities to lay open this text of Scripture, showing it primary relevance for the daily life of every believer. In so doing, this work will promote greater growth in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ and deepen your spiritual life so that you may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord (Col. 1:10). This book should be a staple in your personal library regarding what constitutes genuine growth in biblical, reformed spirituality. -- Dr. Steven J. Lawson, Senior Pastor, Christ Fellowship Baptist Church, Mobile, Alabama
It is easy for Christians to be lopsided. Many stress doctrine at the expense of practice, and others pit experience against doctrine. Developing Healthy Spiritual Growth integrates growing in knowledge, practice, and experience into a biblically balanced and practical process of growing in grace. This book stands out by wedding doctrines such as communion with the Father, through the Son, by the Spirit, and the threefold office of Christ with Puritan-like application and heart-piercing and heart-warming expressions. This book will help you develop a well-rounded Christian life. -- Ryan McGraw, Pastor of First Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Sunnyvale, California
1.Spiritual Growth in Knowledge
2.Spiritual Growth in Practice
3.Spiritual Growth in Experience
Additional Information:
Cover: | Softcover |
Number of Pages: | 143 |
Author: | Beeke, Joel R. |
Publisher: | EP Books |
Publication Date: | 2013 |