Pastoral Theology: The Man of God - Volume 2: His Preaching and Teaching Labors
ISBN: 9781943608126Book Description:
From 1978 to 1998, Pastor A.N. Martin taught Pastoral Theology in the Trinity Ministerial Academy, a church-based ministerial training institution. Every Friday throughout the academic year, all the students would gather for two hours of teaching presented in a four-year cycle. Subsequently various series of the audiotapes were widely circulated.
Many expressed their desire to see these lectures printed. As an intermediate step in responding to that desire, the Trinity Baptist Church eldership decided to encourage Pastor Martin to rework the original lectures and deliver them one at a time, while professionally recording them. This project was begun in 2007 and completed in 2012 with Pastor Martin teaching his entire Pastoral Theology course "one more time" to 25 to 30 men. The transcriptions of these DVD lectures constituted the basis for the first draft of these edited lectures.
Within these lectures there are very few issues faced by the ordinary pastor that are not addressed in one way or another. It is the author's prayer that when all the volumes are nestled on the bookshelf of any pastor, that whatever his concern may be in conjunction with his pastoral labors, that he can expect that most likely, there is something in these volumes that would be of help to him. It is also the author's prayer that even the most experienced pastor will find in these pages much that will provoke him to pursue greater personal godliness, increased preaching effectiveness, and expanded pastoral usefulness.
This volume is Volume 2 of three volumes totaling more than 2000 pages.
Albert N. Martin was one of the founding pastors of Trinity Baptist Church in Montville, NJ, where he labored for 46 years. Pastor Martin faithfully expounded the scriptures with a Christ-exalting focus and with passionate, penetrating, and pointed application at Trinity as well as at its annual pastors' conferences. His ministry was also sought in churches and conferences throughout the States and around the world. In June 2008, he retired from his pastoral labors and relocated to Michigan with his wife, Dorothy, where he now resides while continuing his labors of counseling, writing, and preaching.
"Dr. Al Martin poured a lifetime of study into lectures on the pastor and preaching. He delivered them annually to his Academy of theological students who met at the meeting place of his congregation in Montville, New Jersey. While he taught them he was engaged week by week in the dynamics of a growing and demanding pulpit and pastoral ministry… There is certainly a cry from a million hearts that today's preaching should know more of the breath of heaven….May these volumes do much good all over the globe to assist the renewal of awakening ministries."
--Dr. Geoff Thomas, Pastor (retired), Alfred Place Baptist Church, Aberystwyth, Wales. Visiting Professor of Historical Theology, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.
"When I was a young minister, I came across a series of audio recordings by Al Martin that proved to be a gold mine of wisdom. Opening the Holy Scriptures and leaning on the solid teaching of classic writers, these Pastoral Theology lectures both clarifed God's calling and motivated God's servants to preach God's Word and shepherd His flock in accord with the whole counsel of God… About a decade later, when called upon to teach several courses in pastoral theology in the newly begun Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan, I listened to most of these lectures again and found them even more profitable the second time through. It is, therefore, a great joy for me that Pastor Martin has reworked this material in his senior years and that now these highly esteemed lectures are finally appearing in book form."
--From the Foreword by Dr. Joel R. Beeke, Pastor, Heritage Reformed Congregation, Grand Rapids, Michigan. President & Professor of Systematic Theology & Homiletics, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.
"Pastor Martin's lectures have made a tremendous impact on my life and ministry. But Pastor Martin himself has made a bigger impact. I wrote my doctoral project on his theology of preaching and it started a wonderful friendship. I am so thankful that these lectures are being put in print. They represent the choicest fruits of his labors. All glory be to Christ."
--Dr. Brian Borgman, Pastor, Grace Community Church, Minden, Nevada. Author of My Heart for Thy Cause: Albert N. Martin's Theology of Preaching.
Additional Information:
Cover: | Hardcover |
Number of Pages: | 651 |
Publisher: | Trinity Pulpit Press |
Publication Date: | 2018 |