Concerning the True Care of Souls
ISBN: 9780851519845First time ever available in English, this "Reformation handbook of pastoral theology" sets out Bucer's ideal of a godly Christian society, and was written solely for the Lord's glory and the improvement of his church at this time when Christ's sheep are so deplorably scattered. He commended it to the Christian consideration of all God's children, asking only that nothing should be judged according to carnal standards, but everything according to the word of the Lord. And added, "May the Lord grant that it will be of much use for his kingdom." In Strasbourg they were implemented in the French refugee community pastured from 1538 to 1541 by the young John Calvin, who had a great respect for Bucer and worked closely with him.
Nearly 500 years later we can still benefit greatly from Bucer's spiritual wisdom as he sets out, in a vivid and persuasive way, biblical principles for church life, ministry, and discipline.
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Contents: Author: Martin Bucer (1491-1551) was one of the most important sixteenth-century Reformers, who became leader of the Reformed Churches in Switzerland and South Germany after the death of Zwingli. Endorsements: 'This book was Bucer's effort to reintroduce church discipline, establish multiple-elder rule, and maintain the practice of evangelical penance in Strasbourg…[His] concern for the church and conception of pastoral ministry are historically important and personally challenging.' '…A 470 year old gem, written by an often forgotten pastor/scholar whom David Steinmetz calls "next to Luther and Melanchthon, the most important leader of Protestantism in Germany." Moreover, this 16th century manual of Reformed pastoral theology is a powerful corrective to the wrongheaded approach to ministry which has plagued the American evangelical scene for the past three decades. Indeed, here we are shown a rare portrait of true pastoral care. It should be required reading for pastors and ordinands alike.'
1. The nature of the church
2. Christ's rule in his church
3. How the Lord carries out his pastoral office and the work of our salvation in his church through his ordained ministers
4. The various ministers the Lord has and uses in his church: the ministry of teaching and spiritual discipline, and the ministry to the needs of the body
5. How and by whom elders are to be chosen and installed, and the choosing and installation of ministers
6. What the principal work and activity of careers of souls and ministers are to be for the flock of Christ in general and individual members in particular
7. How the lost sheep are to be sought
8. How the stray sheep are to be restored
9. How the hurt and wounded sheep are to be bound up and healed, and the imposition of penance and exclusion form the Lord's table in the case of those who have in some matter grievously sinned
10. How the weak sheep are to be strengthened
11. How the healthy and strong sheep are to be guarded and fed, and the exclusion of those who trouble the church and refuse to listen and mend their ways
12. The obedience of Christ's sheep
13. Summary of chapters
Additional Information:
Cover: | Hardcover |
Number of Pages: | 258 |
Publisher: | Banner of Truth Trust |
Publication Date: | 2009 |