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Sermons on Galatians
Calvin, John

Sermons on Galatians

ISBN: 9780851516998
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Book Description:

Kathy Childress, the translator from the original French of this book says, 'Calvin exposes human nature with profound insight…he brings this world into sharp focus and enables us to see its frivolity. However, he does not leave us to wallow in despair, but points us to the Saviour…No sinner, having read these sermons, could mistake the remedy…The Lord Jesus Christ is the focal point…There is judgement here, enough to make the sinner quake with fear, but then there is also mercy to warm the heart and lift the fainting spirit'.

Table of Contents:
The Blood That Cleanses All Our Sinful Stains: 1:3-5
On Perverting the Gospel of Christ: 1:6-8
Rooted in the Truth of God: 1:8-10
Every Good Thing Proceeds From God's Grace: 1:11-14
Paul's Call to Christ: 1:15-21
A Total Resolve to Serve and Glorify God: 1:22-2:2
The Infiltration Which Corrupts the Truth of the Gospel: 2:3-5
Unworthy Trophies of God's Mercy: 2:6-10
Armed for the Fight Against Grave and Serious Error: 2:11-14
Even Total Observance of the Law Cannot Justify: 2:14-16
Justification is by Grace Alone: 2:15-16
Dead to the Law, Alive to God: 2:17-20
Redemption by the Son of God: 2:20-21
The Sheer Folly of Disobeying God's Truth: 3:1-2
The True Children of Abraham: 3:3-6
The Impossibility of Keeping the Whole Law of God: 3:7-10
We All Stand Condemned by the Law: 3:11-12
When Curse Becomes Blessing: 3:13-18
Salvation Has Always Been in Christ Alone: 3:15-18
The Many Functions of God's Timeless Law: 3:11-20
Assessing the Degrees of Faith: 3:21-25
Baptism Means Robing Ourselves in Jesus Christ: 3:26-29
Blessed More Than the Patriarchs: 4:1-4
Crying Out to God in the Certainty of Our Adoption: 4:4-7
Backsliders Have No Excuse: 4:8-10
Profitable Exhortation: 4:11-14
A Plain Rebuke For the Backslider: 4:15-20
Freedom From the Bondage of the Law: 4:21-26
On Discerning Who Belongs to the True Church: 4:26-31
Absolved Only Through the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ: 5:1-3
Not Ceremonies, but Faith Which Works by Love: 5:4-6
Fighting to the End for God's Pure and Infallible Truth: 5:7-10
The Zeal That Cuts Off God's Mortal Enemies: 5:11-13
Spirit and Flesh in Conflict: 5:14-18
The Spirituality of the Law: 5:19-23
Our Lifestyle Reveals Our True Spiritual Condition: 5:22-26
On Rebuking Sin With Gentleness: 6:1-2
On the Bearing of Burdens: 6:2-5
Men Reap what They Sow: 6:6-8
On Doing Good to All in Need: 6:9-11
Ravening Wolves who Wreak Havoc: 6:12-13
On Glorying Only in the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ: 6:14-18


John Calvin (1509-1564) was a theological giant of the Protestant Reformation. A contemporary of Martin Luther, he had as much influence over this period of history as his German counterpart. In 1536 he published his famous Institutes of the Christian Religion, which was a systematic presentation of the Protestant position. His writings are still cherished and relevant today.

Additional Information:

Cover: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 671
Author: Calvin, John
Publisher: Banner of Truth Trust
Publication Date: 1997