Finding My Vocation: A Guide for Young People Seeking a Calling
ISBN: 9781959515296Book Description:
How can I pick the right job?
Actually, you don’t need to choose a job that’s “perfect for you.” But you do need to be faithful and productive in ways that honor God in your work life.
Here’s a better question: As a believer, how can I determine what I am supposed to do, and then do it well?
The doctrine of calling, or vocation, leads us to the answer. Because for those who are “called according to his purpose” (Rom. 8:28), God provides a place, a time, and the gifts necessary to work for him in this world.
This book will help you do three things:
- Ponder the doctrine of vocation—learn what it means to have a calling and what Scripture teaches about work.
- Prepare for vocational living—determine the skills and character traits you’ll need and learn how to sort through your vocational options, remaining faithful to your other callings as you work.
- Practice vocation—apply biblical disciplines to succeed at work and relate work to the rest of who you are as a Christian.
God placed us in his world to work for his glory. You might not know exactly what he has planned for you, but you must—and can—be faithful where he calls you to be.
1. What Is Vocation?
2. What Is Work?
3. How Is Calling Related to Conversion?
4. Have Something to Offer
5. Choose Wisely
6 Remember Your Other Vocations
7. Work Well
8. Be Sure to Rest
9. Manage Money Wisely
Appendix A What If I Hate My Job?
Appendix B Is My Vocation Compromised by Sin?
Appendix C Should I Go to College?
Appendix D Is Military Service a Good Option for Me?
Appendix E Am I Called to the Ministry?
William Boekestein is the pastor of Immanuel Fellowship Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan and the author of numerous books. He worked in residential construction and taught at a Christian school for several years. He and his wife have four children.
"Pastor Bill Boekestein has done young people—and the whole church, really—a tremendous service by providing an accessible overview of the Bible's teaching on vocation. We are most happy, and God most glorified, when we “live in a manner worthy of the calling to which we have been called.” This book will help you do just that. I commend it highly."
--Jonathan Landry Cruse, pastor, Community Presbyterian Church, Kalamazoo, MI
The doctrine of vocation is a surprisingly important one. If you come to a firm understanding of this doctrine while you are young, it will serve you well for the rest of your life. That is why I am so pleased with this book. It addresses sound teaching and faithful application to teens and young adults—the very people who have a whole lifetime of vocation ahead of them.
--Tim Challies, founder of the Challies blog and author of Do More Better: A Practical Guide to Positivity
"Young people seeking God’s will for their life’s calling will discover a treasure trove of wisdom in William Boekestein’s Finding my Vocation. Vocation covers all of life. As they prayerfully make decisions for the future, they will consider biblical principles of work and relationships, they will assess their God-given talents and providential circumstances, they will aim to serve their family and their neighbor, and they will honor God. A rich, fulfilling, Christ-centered life awaits them if they follow the principles found on these pages."
--Mary Beeke, wife of Joel Beeke and author of Teach Them to Work: Building a Positive Work Ethic in Our Children
Additional Information:
Cover: | Softcover |
Number of Pages: | 154 |
Publisher: | Reformed Free Publishing Association |
Publication Date: | 2024 |