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Reformed Means Missional: Following Jesus Into the World
Logan, Samuel T.

Reformed Means Missional: Following Jesus Into the World

ISBN: 9781938267758
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Book Description:

If It Isn't missional, It's Not Church - and Certainly Not Reformational Church

Christians are not on a mission for God; his church is on his mission - the mission of bringing the grace of Christ to sinners; the mission of bringing the whole world into obedience to Christ; and the mission of covering the earth with the knowledge of the glory of God in Christ Jesus. Being on God's mission means following Jesus into the darkest places of the world to bring the good news of the total redeeming work of Christ.

Leading reformed thinkers including Tim Keller, Thomas Schirrmacher, P. J. Buys, Diane Langberg, John Leonard, Basyle Tchividjian, John Freeman, and many others, demonstrate why and how the church must be on God's mission of bringing grace, holiness, compassion, and justice to a world of sin and suffering.


Samuel T. Logan, Jr., Editor, MDiv, PhD has been International Director of the World Reformed Fellowship since 2005. He served at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from 1979 - 2007, and is now President Emeritus. He was also Visiting Fellow at Christ's College, Cambridge in 1988 - 89, and special counsel to the president at Biblical Seminary in Hatfield, Pennsylvania, from 2007 - 2013. He is a minister of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Dr. Logan's publications include The Preacher and Preaching, Sermons That Shaped America, Confronting Kingdom Challenges, and numerous articles on Jonathan Edwards.


"In Reformed Means Missional, Dr. Sam Logan brings together both well known authors and some hidden jewels of the church who labor, Jesus-like, in dark places, and serve the least and the lowest. Refreshingly, the theorists are also practitioners, while the practitioners think biblically and theologically about how God's mission shapes their work. The result? This wide-ranging volume, which is calculated to give mind, conscience, and, yes, emotions also, a serious, gospel work out."
--Sinclair B Ferguson, Redeemer Theological Seminary, Dallas, TX

"Reformed Means Missional is a foundational and strategic call to all in the Reformed tradition to truly be His church, on His mission taking the Whole Gospel to the Whole World. My friend, Sam Logan, understands this reality and articulates this call, both in terms of its theological groundings and its global implications, more persuasively than anyone I know. This book is required reading for any leader in the Reformed tradition who wants to be able to participate in 21st century conversations with respect to the Reformational church and the core of Christ's calling."
--Dr. S. Douglas Birdsall, President of the American Bible Society; former Executive Chair of the Lausanne Movement.

 "What is it after all to be 'missional?' Finally, this remarkable book shows us the way. We recognize our calling to build upon our Reformed heritage and to passionately look ahead. By God's grace we will fulfill our calling to bring both the gospel and long-needed change in our world, engaging issues too long neglected. Some will need to leave their denominations, others not, but we will labor together. This book unites us and stretches us at the same time - a must read to equip us for our Lord's vast and deep calling to us all."
--D. Clair Davis, Professor and Chaplain, Redeemer Seminary, Dallas

Additional Information:

Cover: Softcover
Number of Pages: 274
Author: Logan, Samuel T.
Publisher: New Growth Press
Publication Date: 2013