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Knowing and the Trinity: How Perspectives in Human Knowledge Imitate the Trinity
Poythress, Vern

Knowing and the Trinity: How Perspectives in Human Knowledge Imitate the Trinity

ISBN: 9781629953199
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Book Description:

Every human being has a distinct perspective and experiences truth from this viewpoint. If God exists in three persons, as the Bible teaches, is it possible to discern epistemological perspectives that originate from this mystery? Once we understand that God is Trinitarian, we can see numerous reflections of his Trinitarian character in general and in special revelation.

Vern Poythress is one of a growing number of theologians who have developed and used perspectival triads to further our knowledge of God. This book explores the relationship between numerous triads and God's Trinitarian character, and shows that many triads reveal analogies to the Trinity. Understanding these analogies will help readers perceive the fundamental connections between our Trinitarian God, the Bible, and our created world.


Vern S. Poythress (MLitt, University of Cambridge; PhD, Harvard University; DTh, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa) is Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He is also the author of Understanding Dispensationalists;Science and Hermeneutics; Implications of Scientific Method for Biblical Interpretation; Symphonic Theology; The Validity of Multiple Perspectives in Theology; and The Shadow of Christ in the Law of Moses.


"It is a privilege to serve as the doorman to welcome readers into the remarkable world of reflections that Dr. Vern Poythress provides for us in this substantial work. . . . [He] undertakes the task of helping us to see the sheer wonder of God as we reflect on his self-testimony. . . . We want to be able to say with Jeremiah, 'Let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord' (Jer. 9:24). In Knowing and the Trinity, Vern Poythress helps us to do precisely this. . . . I bid you to explore and enjoy!"
--Sinclair B. Ferguson, Chancellor's Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary

"In this fascinating and highly accessible book, Dr. Poythress puts his perspectival method to work in a wide-ranging exploration of Trinitarian theology. Underlying his discussion is the conviction that while this is a mystery surpassing our capacities, God has revealed himself in creation and grace, his triune fingerprints evident wherever we turn. Any discussion of the doctrine of God should take Poythress's important contribution into serious consideration. I know of nothing else quite like it."
--Robert Letham, Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Union School of Theology (formerly Wales Evangelical School of Theology)

"In recent decades, many evangelical scholars, students, and laypeople have found triperspectivalism extraordinarily helpful, but they have also found it confusing. Vern Poythress has given us what amounts to a primer on this subject. His explanations are brief and clear. He securely anchors his outlooks in the Scriptures and in orthodox Trinitarian theology. The illustrations and glossary make Poythress's discussions accessible to a wide range of readers. Study questions encourage both theoretical and practical reflection. This book is a window into ways of thinking about and living the Christian faith that will greatly benefit us all."
--Richard L. Pratt Jr., President, Third Millennium Ministries

Additional Information:

Cover: Softcover
Number of Pages: 458
Author: Poythress, Vern
Publisher: P&R Publishing
Publication Date: 2018