Everyone's Invited
ISBN: 9781601789204Some of the most familiar words ever spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ are "Come to Me." These words were spoken not just to individuals but cities, nations, and peoples wearied by an unrest of their own making in contrast to the Son of God at peace.
In this heartfelt book, Geoff Thomas warmly reminds us that the best thing we can do is embark on this happy journey. Reading this book, you will see the benefits to be found, be warned of the consequences of delaying, and gain a clearer understanding of what it does and doesn't look like to come to Christ.
Won't you come now?
Table of Contents: Author: Geoffrey Thomas served as pastor Alfred Place Baptist Church in Aberystwyth, Wales, for over 50 years. During that time Geoff preached through (almost) every word of the Bible. Geoff received his theological training at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, where he was especially influenced by the teaching of Professors John Murray, Cornelius Van Til, and E.J. Young. Westminster awarded him an honorary doctorate in 2011. Geoff is still a frequent conference speaker all over the world. He also holds the position of Visiting Professor of Historical Theology at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Endorsements: "If you have never properly considered Christ, please take up this book and read. From these pages you will hear the voice of a man who cares for your soul, who will set before you the Savior of sinners, Jesus of Nazareth. The author of this book knows Jesus Christ, and he wants you to know him too. So he will explain who Jesus is, what He does, and why it is so important for us to come to Him. He wants you to know the way to lasting peace and joy. For your soul's sake, read this book to find out why everyone is invited." "A beautiful and timely little book. As our world runs headlong into godlessness, it leaves a trail of broken people who are utterly lost and without hope. Geoff Thomas reminds us that Jesus came for such and that the gospel is good news for all who will come. This booklet is a proclamation of the love of God and His desire to save. It is a sincere plea for all to come and find rest! In its pages, the reader will encounter a wonderful Savior, great encouragement, and wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus."
1. To Whom Is Christ Saying "Come"
2. What Are the Benefits of Coming to Christ?
3. What Are the Warnings for Failing to Come?
4. A Real Coming Is Not a Physical Actions
5. A Real Coming Is Not a Purely Intellectual Act
6. A Real Coming Is Not a Mystical Experience Ungrounded in the Bible
7. A Real Coming Does Not Separate the Benefits of Christ's Salvation While Failing to Submit to the Requirements of His Lordship
8. A True Coming to Christ Is Built on Your Realization of Your Need of Him
9. A True Coming to Christ Comes from a Conviction That He Perfectly Meets Your Needs
10. A True Coming to Christ Results in a Commitment of All You Are to the Lord Jesus Christ
11. What Sort of Response Will a True Coming to Christ Produce?
12. Come Now Then to an Inviting Lord and Never Cease Coming
--Jeremy Walker
--Paul Washer
Additional Information:
Cover: | Softcover |
Number of Pages: | 101 |
Publisher: | Reformation Heritage Books |
Publication Date: | 2022 |