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Puritan Reformed Theology: Historical, Experiential and Practical Studies for the Whole of Life
Beeke, Joel R.

Puritan Reformed Theology: Historical, Experiential and Practical Studies for the Whole of Life

ISBN: 9781601788115
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Book Description:

"Puritan Reformed Theology is a title with a subtle double entendre. It certainly delivers what it promises-theology in the Reformed tradition mediated especially through the life and writings of the Puritans. But it also celebrates the quarter centenary of the Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan, by presenting in one volume the wonderful series of essays its founding president, Dr. Joel R. Beeke, has contributed to the seminary journal. In these pages Professor Beeke handles a wide variety of subjects and turns them, one by one, into theological and pastoral gold. The range is extraordinary and yet focused on the main things. The ease of readability pleases the ordinary reader and yet there are footnotes in scholar-satisfying abundance. The sheer size of the book may seem intimidating, yet like a great cathedral it can be appreciated one stone at a time. Here then is a thesaurus of theological and spiritual riches, a veritable Aladdin's cave of intellectual and spiritual pleasures. I feel sure that readers will find themselves frequently returning to Puritan Reformed Theology to find in it both theological treasure and spiritual pleasure."
--Sinclair B. Ferguson, chancellor's professor of systematic theology, Reformed Theological Seminary; teaching fellow, Ligonier Ministries

"Puritan Reformed Theology is a treasure trove of articles and sermons that reflect godly piety and biblical orthodoxy. Dr. Beeke has once again served us with a valuable work which I gladly recommend."
--John MacArthur, senior pastor-teacher, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California


Joel R. Beeke is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He also serves as a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, and as editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books.


"Dr. Beeke is one of the world's foremost scholars on Puritanism, and in this volume we have a marvelous collection of chapters covering historical, theological, and practical subjects of substance. ...This collection contains the highest level of pastoral wisdom and doctrinal reflection through the lens of one of the best theologians and pastors I have ever known."
--Derek W. H. Thomas, senior minister, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina

"As I look at the title and author of this book, Puritan Reformed Theology by Joel Beeke, each of these words-Puritan, Reformed, Theology, and Joel Beeke-fit together perfectly. Like links forged together on a chain, none can be separated from the others. So it is that Joel Beeke has become virtually synonymous with puritan reformed theology. This collection of articles written by Dr. Beeke and compiled into this one volume, is certain to be a storehouse of theological wealth for all who read it."
--Steven J. Lawson, President, OnePassion Ministries, Dallas, Texas

"Dr. Beeke and the Reformed theology of the Puritans are increasingly viewed as nearly synonymous. No other Reformed scholar has been so passionately committed to promoting and publishing the rich heritage of the Puritans as Dr. Beeke. This book affirms his thorough and comprehensive grasp of their Christ-saturated theology. Throughout the history of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Dr. Beeke's students, including myself, have been the grateful recipients of his able transmission of the rich texture of Puritan Reformed theology articulated in this book."
--Bartel Elshout, pastor, Heritage Reformed Congregation, Hull, Iowa

"When the Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (PRTS) was founded in 1995, there were great joy and thankfulness to God for answering prayer. What Dr. Beeke and his fellow prayer warriors in the Heritage Reformed Congregations had in mind was to establish a theological seminary that combined the best elements of the English Puritan and Dutch Reformed traditions. Beeke's burden was to offer students a curriculum which would emphasize sound biblical and Reformed preaching that was also experiential and practical in its application. In chapter 27 of this commemorative book, titled 'Practical Application in Preaching,' Beeke, looking to Puritans like William Gouge as his model, writes, 'Puritan preachers stressed the need to inform the mind, to prick the conscience, then to bend the will, believing that a sermon must connect with the people, and by the Spirit's grace transform them and their wills. That is the heart of applicatory preaching.' This book's forty-two chapters cover a wide variety of theological, historical, and ethical subjects, thereby offering a good insight into the superb quality of the education provided at PRTS. May God bless this school of the prophets and prepare many more students from around the world there for gospel ministry at a time when worldwide apostasy is growing even as fields are ripening for a worldwide harvest."
--Cornelis (Neil) Pronk, emeritus pastor, Free Reformed Churches of North America

Additional Information:

Cover: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 732
Author: Beeke, Joel R.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Publication Date: 2020