The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification
ISBN: 9781601782830Book Description:
The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification presents the culmination of Puritan thought on living the Christian life. Combining doctrinal precision and pastoral sensitivity, Walter Marshall shows how sanctification is essential to spiritual life, dependent on spiritual union with Jesus Christ, and inseparable—though distinct— from justification. He shows how holiness involves both the mind and the soul of the believer and that it is the aim of the Christian life. It is no wonder that this book has been reprinted many times throughout the years and received such high praise from leading ministers of the gospel.
Walter Marshall (1628–1680) served as a fellow at New College, Oxford, and Winchester College, and ministered at Fawley, Hursley, and Gosport, England.
“Mr. Marshall’s treatise on the Mystery of Sanctification by faith in Jesus Christ is such a vindication and confirmation of that Protestant doctrine, that I fear no effectual opposition against it.”
--Robert Traill (1642–1716), Presbyterian minister in Cranbrook, Kent, and London
“Were I to be banished onto some desolate island possessed of only two books beside my Bible, this should be one of the two, perhaps the first that I would choose.”
--James Hervey (1714–1758), English clergyman and writer
“Marshall is an old acquaintance of mine: I have both read him and heard him read with pleasure and edification. The doctrines he maintains are, under the influence of the divine Spirit, the very life of my soul and the soul of all my happiness.”
--William Cowper (1731–1800), English poet and hymnodist
“To those who make living religion their study, and are anxious to grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Mr. Marshall’s treatise on sanctification, rightly used, will be of extensive benefit.”
--John M. Mason (1770–1826), pastor of the Associate Reformed Church, New York
“The most important book on sanctification ever written.”
--John Murray (1898–1975), professor of systematic theology, Westminster Theological Seminary
“Walter Marshall’s Gospel Mystery of Sanctification is the classic Puritan work on the relationship between justification and sanctification. This book has helped deliver scores of people throughout church history from the bondage of legalism and antinomianism and enabled them to embrace the precious doctrine of justification by gracious faith alone with liberty, without sacrificing the need for grateful fruits of personal holiness.”
--Joel R. Beeke, president, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
“If you are Reformed and want to know how to preach a robust biblical doctrine of growth in grace in the Christian life that is gospel-shaped, Spirit-empowered, and Christ-centered and that does not denigrate the third use of the law, then Marshall is your man, and Gospel Mystery is your book.”
--J. Ligon Duncan III, senior minister, First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi.
Additional Information:
Cover: | Softcover |
Number of Pages: | 247 |
Publisher: | Reformation Heritage Books |
Publication Date: | 1999 |