Thomas Shepard Pilgrim Father and Founder of Harvard
ISBN: 9781601780089Alexander White (1836-1921) served as minister of the famous Free St. George's Church, Edinburgh, for forty-six years, and as principal of New College, Edinburgh, for nine years. A prolific author, with a profound sense of sin, he is often described as "the last of the Puritans."
When I first read Alexander Whyte's book on Thomas Shepard some thirty years ago, I was frequently moved to tears. Whyte selects a number of individual and experimental statements from Shepard's writings and meditates on them in the most moving manner, persuading the reader of the heinousness of sin, the depravity of our heart, and the riches and glory of Christ Jesus. This is one of the most spiritual books I have ever read. It is convicting, humbling, uplifting, and enlarging all at once, moving the soul near to God through Word-centered, Spirit-empowered truth. Read one chapter an evening. Meditate on it; pray over it. Let it penetrate your inmost being. ~ Joel R. Beeke
Additional Information:
Cover: | Softcover |
Number of Pages: | 252 |
Author: | Whyte, Alexander |
Publisher: | Reformation Heritage Books |
Publication Date: | 2007 |