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For Whom Did Christ Die?
Murray, John

For Whom Did Christ Die?

ISBN: 9781599251561
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Book Description:

"The question of the extent of the atonement is simply: for whom did Christ make atonement? In even simpler language it is: for whom did Christ die? The question is: on whose behalf did Christ offer himself a sacrifice? On whose behalf did he propitiate the wrath of God? Whom did he reconcile to God in the body of his flesh through death? Whom did he redeem from the curse of the law, from the guilt and power of sin, from the enthralling power and bondage of Satan? In whose stead and on whose behalf was he obedient unto death, even the death of the cross? These are precisely the questions that have to be asked and frankly faced if the matter of the extent of the atonement is to be placed in proper focus." - John Murray


Professor John Murray (1898-1975) was recognized in his own lifetime as one of the leading Reformed theologians in the English-speaking world. He spent most of his distinguished career teaching systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. A careful scholar, an eloquent lecturer, a moving preacher, and the author of many outstanding articles and books, Murray's driving passions were to declare Christ's Word, advance his cause, and bless his people.


"Of all the men I have known John Murray was the man I have judged to be most full of God. To see walking him about the campus set your heart beating faster and you hurried along to join with him, drawn by his love. Then you were careful what words you spoke when you were with him because of his holiness. He would take a class of students into the presence of God and preach his lectures with the deepest earnestness and clarity. He was a fearless Christian whose mind was bound captive to the Bible. Where the Bible went John Murray went and his heart was full of the atoning death of his Saviour as his only hope in life and death." - Geoff Thomas, Alfred Place Baptist Church, Aberystwyth, Wales

"Did Christ die to save me? Or did he just die so that I may be saved? John Murray addresses these questions in a thoughtful and biblical way. He concludes that 'the atonement is efficacious substitution.' Read this excellent essay and find out what he means." - Dr. Robert Martin, Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church, Seattle, Washington; Editor, Reformed Baptist Theological Review

"When our Savior offered himself a sacrifice for sin, he acted in redeeming love. Towards whom was that love directed? The cross is the power of God unto salvation, but what was actually accomplished by the crucifixion? A ransom was paid, but what was the effect of it? These questions of deep interest are examined by John Murray through a careful study of the most pertinent passages of Holy Scripture. What emerges is a sense of the omnipotence of Christ's love and the rich and full provision he has made for needy sinners." - Sherman Isbell, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Bethesda, MD

"One of the most difficult questions in the whole scheme of salvation is here simply answered by Professor Murray. He takes key Scripture texts and demonstrates the great success of the atonement leaving one to glory in the sovereign Redeemer of Calvary. This treatise changed my life thirty years ago. Today it remains at the top portion of my most significant reads." - Robert B. Selph, Pastor - Grace Baptist Church, Taylors, SC

Additional Information:

Cover: Booklet
Number of Pages: 27
Author: Murray, John
Publisher: Solid Ground Christian Books
Publication Date: 2010