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The Gospel for Real Life - Romantic Conflict: Embracing Desires that Bless, Not Bruise
Hambrick, Brad

The Gospel for Real Life - Romantic Conflict: Embracing Desires that Bless, Not Bruise

ISBN: 9781596389984
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Book Description:

Few mar­riages fall apart because the spouses have evil desires. But even the good desires of two well-meaning peo­ple do not always match up. Our lim­ited time and resources mean that ful­fill­ing one person's desires often results in neglect­ing anothers, which can lead to con­flict and bit­ter­ness.

So how do we enjoy the bless­ings of mar­riage with­out being con­sumed by our desire for those bless­ings we prefer? Brad Ham­brick shows us that Jesus addressed this very issue - in his foun­da­tional call to be a dis­ci­ple, no less. In this plan for bib­li­cally deal­ing with mar­i­tal con­flict, he walks us through Jesus' words and their impli­ca­tions, out­lines a typ­i­cal mar­i­tal con­flict, gives us strate­gies for how to 'inter­rupt' our con­flicts with grace and love, and gives us fur­ther tips on how to reignite romance going forward.


Brad Ham­brick is pas­tor of coun­sel­ing at The Sum­mit Church in Durham, North Car­olina; chief edi­tor of the Jour­nal of Coun­sel­ing and Dis­ci­ple­ship; and adjunct pro­fes­sor of bib­li­cal coun­sel­ing at South­east­ern Bap­tist Theo­log­i­cal Seminary.

Additional Information:

Cover: Booklet
Number of Pages: 32
Author: Hambrick, Brad
Publisher: P&R Publishing
Publication Date: 2014