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Growing Gospel Integrity - Unity: Striving Side by Side for the Gospel
Mbewe, Conrad

Growing Gospel Integrity - Unity: Striving Side by Side for the Gospel

ISBN: 9781433584879
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Book Description:

Exploring Unity as a Fruit of the Gospel

Christians most effectively serve others and advance God's kingdom when they are in biblical unity with one another. Unfortunately, modern Christians seem to be divided on countless issues related to ministry, culture, the church, and even unity itself. Some prioritize organizational unity over gospel truth, while others only seek unity with those who share their same doctrinal beliefs.

In this short, accessible guide, author Conrad Mbewe explores unity as a fruit of the gospel. He finds that biblical unity is only achieved after understanding what God has done through Christ and how it is continuously executed by the Holy Spirit. This biblically centered book encourages readers to respond to Paul's apostolic plea of "standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel" (Phil. 1:27), embracing unity as a valuable, God-given blessing.

  • Encourages Unity: Explores unity as a fruit of the gospel that is only understood through what God has done through Christ and executed by the Holy Spirit
  • Practical Study: This concise guide encourages Christians to stand firm in the spirit and in unity with others
  • A Part of the Growing Gospel Integrity Series: Created in partnership with Union School of Theology

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Table of Contents
Introduction: Avoiding Extreme Views of Christian Unity
Part 1: The Indicatives of Christian Unity
  Chapter 1: Unity Is Accomplished in Christ
  Chapter 2: Unity Is Applied by the Spirit
Part 2: The Imperatives of Christian Unity
  Chapter 3: Unity Is to Be Jealously Guarded by Believers
  Chapter 4: Unity Is to Be Evidenced in Gospel Endeavors
Conclusion: Christian Unity Is Worth Pursuing and Celebrating


Conrad Mbewe (PhD, University of Pretoria) serves as pastor of Kabwata Baptist Church in Lusaka, Zambia, and founding chancellor of the African Christian University. Conrad has authored over nine books and contributed to many others. God blessed him and his wife, Felistas, with three children and three foster children.


"Conrad Mbewe displays the rare ability to combine simplicity and profundity. Here he turns this gift to a consideration of evangelical unity, to gospel unity-both its indicatives (the unity that has been secured by Christ and worked out in us by the Spirit) and its imperatives (how this great reality must drive us toward intentional living out of such unity). We are soon enabled to see that the duty of unity is not an optional extra for believers but simply the outworking of the gospel in our lives."
--D. A. Carson, Theologian-at-Large, The Gospel Coalition

"All too often, gospel work may be disrupted either by unnecessary division among believers or by failure to separate from those who compromise on biblical truth. Conrad Mbewe takes us back to Scripture to find the wisdom we need to tread the tightrope between overscrupulous schism and oversentimental accommodation. This helpful resource is both biblically faithful and very practical. It is grounded in Mbewe's love for the church and his passion to see God glorified as his kingdom is extended."
--Sharon James, Social Policy Analyst, The Christian Institute

Additional Information:

Cover: Softcover
Number of Pages: 113
Publisher: Crossway
Publication Date: 2024