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Preschool A-B-C - Do it Carefully
Rohrer, Martha

Preschool A-B-C - Do it Carefully

ISBN: 9780739900154
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 Publisher's Description:

Do It Carefully introduces discriminating between different shapes, letters, and words; writing letters and the chld's name; and hearing several initial consonant sounds. Some exercises are included to develop thinking skills.

The Preschool A-B-C Series is designed to be used at home with parental guidance.  This series provides constructive materials in preparation for school. It will help to answer the preschooler's question "What can I do?".  Fill young minds with truth rather than the fantasy found in much children's literature today.

Six 64 page workbooks give practice in coloring, cutting, pasting, learning numbers, recognizing letters and following directions. This series provides constructive exercises for the development of visual, auditory, mental, motor and oral skills.

Each book includes instructions for the parents. There are also ideas for discussion to call the child's attention to many everyday things that will help rivet the concepts being taught.

    A  - Adventures With Books (learning colors and shapes)
    B  - Bible Pictures to Color
    C  - Counting With Numbers (learning numbers 1 to 10)
    D  - Do It Carefully (writing letters and hearing sounds)
    E  - Everywhere We Go (time for review)
    F  - Finding the Answers (using thinking skills) 

Additional Information:

Cover: Booklet - 9" x 12"
Number of Pages: 64
Author: Rohrer, Martha
Publisher: Rod and Staff Publishers
Publication Date: 1990