Puritan Treasures for Today - Stop Loving the World
ISBN: 9781601781185Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.
1 John 2:15
Live in this world in such a way that people recognize that God is your treasure.
Do you live in this world in such a way that people recognize that it is not your treasure?
The Puritans were greatly concerned with suppressing worldliness in the church. Today, worldliness is an even greater problem, exacerbated by the fact that so few dare to speak out against it. In this book, William Greenhill provides modern readers with a healthy antidote to our love affair with the world. He explains what it means to love the world, exposes the dangers of cherishing it, shares how we ought to relate to it, and gives encouraging directions for removing our hearts from it. This is a book with a timeless message, demonstrating the relevance of the Puritans for today. By God's grace, it will help persuade you that the world and all its charms are not what you should live for.
Table of Contents:
1. Concerning the World and Our Love for It
2. Reasons for Not Loving the World
3. Our Relationship to God's Creation
4. Applications of the Doctrine
5. Further Motives for Not Loving the World
6. Directions for Getting Our Hearts off the World
Series Description: Interest in the Puritans continues to grow, but many people find reading these giants of the faith a bit unnerving. The Puritan Treasures for Today Series seeks to overcome that barrier by presenting Puritan books that are convenient in size and unintimidating in length. Each book is carefully edited with modern readers in mind, smoothing out difficult language of a bygone era while retaining the meaning of the original authors. Books for the series are thoughtfully selected to provide some of the best counsel on important subjects that people continue to wrestle with today.
William Greenhill (1598-1671) was member of the Westminster Assembly and a prominent preacher among Congregationalists. Several of his works have been reprinted by Soli Deo Gloria Publications.
"'Don't let the world squeeze you into its mold' is a modern paraphrase of Paul's warning in Romans 12:2 regarding conformity to this world. William Greenhill's sermon, carefully edited in this volume and made more digestible by introducing separate chapters to the Puritan's lengthy discourse, is as timely as it is necessary. Truth is, we are all too much in love with this world and too little in love with the world to come. Worldliness pervades our churches as much as our individual lives and we need to do something about it-quickly. Stop Loving the World is not pleasant reading-for it calls attention to a sin that we would sooner tolerate than mortify; but, if we are serious about godliness, mortify it we must. A book to read slowly, carefully, and prayerfully."
--Derek W. H. Thomas, John E. Richards Professor of Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Minister of Teaching, First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, MS
Additional Information:
Cover: | Softcover |
Number of Pages: | 73 |
Publisher: | Reformation Heritage Books |
Publication Date: | 2011 |