A World Upside Down: Four Essays on the Life and Theology of Martin Luther
ISBN: 9781941114087Book Description:
As he approached the final decade of his life, Martin Luther observed that the beginning and end of all his theology was simple faith in Christ. This faith turned Luther's eyes away from his own "goodness" and onto Christ for the forgiveness of sins, giving him genuine peace and assurance that can only come from God. Ironically, this simple faith also turned 1500s Europe upside down.
A World Upside Down tells Martin Luther's story, showing that in the midst of stormy circumstances and opposition (both from within Luther and from without), he came to find true rest through faith in Jesus. This indeed was the end of his life and thinking about God.
Martin Luther's life and theology are shared with the hope that we, like Luther, would grow in having simple, uncluttered faith in Christ alone. Trusting in Christ, we will accurately see ourselves and the world from God's perspective, know genuine peace which can only come from God, and live a fruitful life for the glory and honor of God.
Charles E. Fry (BA, Marshall University; BA, Moody Bible Institute) is currently pursuing an MA in Theology at Christ College, Irvine, where he enjoys studying the theology of the Reformation. He has taught several church history classes with the goal of sharing a high view of God and a clear understanding of the gospel. In 2011, Chuck was licensed for the ministry through the Baptist church. Chuck is on staff with The Navigators in Huntington, West Virginia, and has been in discipleship ministry since 1989. He and his wife, Lisa, organize and host the annual Majesty of God conference, held each April. Chuck and Lisa have a daughter named Heidi and live in Ona, West Virginia.
"There is much in Chuck's book that I could single out as important to Luther's understanding of the gospel, but there is one truth that I especially resonate with. That is Luther's understanding of 'the reality of sin in the life of a Christian and the subsequent need to live daily by the gospel.' My view of the evangelical church today is that the majority of Christians believe we are saved by grace, but we relate to God on the basis of our works. The truth, however, is that our very best deeds on our very best days are still flawed both in motive and performance. As one of the Puritans so aptly said, 'Even my tears of repentance need to be washed in the blood of the Lamb.' So I commend Chuck Fry's book to you. If, by God's grace, you see yourself as a still-practicing sinner, this book will encourage you to live by the gospel every day." - Jerry Bridges (from the Foreword), author and speaker
"As one who has fervently believed in justification by faith for many decades, I was humbled and surprised by how desperately I needed to hear it again, and how delightfully encouraging it is to have it enter more deeply into my heart. The clarity and simplicity of these essays, expounding Martin Luther's universally needed message of grace, has the power to lift the weight of condemnation from the soul of both the elite scholar and the simple plow-boy." - C. FitzSimons Allison, retired Episcopal Bishop of South Carolina, author of The Rise of Moralism and Trust in an Age of Arrogance
Additional Information:
Cover: | Softcover |
Number of Pages: | 95 |
Author: | Fry, Charles E. |
Publisher: | Cruciform Press |
Publication Date: | 2015 |