Gospel Portions
ISBN: 9781733851725Gospel Portions is a soul-strengthening supply of warm and potent expressions of the core truths of the good news of Jesus Christ. Drawing from the treasure trove of Puritan writings, Ryan Bush mines out for us a collection of theological gems-Scriptures, hymns, prayers, and readings that remind us the gospel is not to be a one-time meal, but daily nourishment for the weary pilgrim.
Ryan Bush labored to produce Gospel Portions so that the blood-bought children of God could draw near to the gospel fire and warm their souls. The gospel saved us; the gospel also sustains us. The precious truths of the gospel fortify our souls against our enemies. When our hearts are kept warm by the gospel fire, we are enabled to root out the condemnings of our conscience and the deceptions of the world and of the Devil. We need an arsenal of gospel portions at the ready to which we can turn our hearts. Fellow pilgrim, may this humble work serve that purpose in your life. Drink deeply from this well of grace and mercy. Put your faith in the groaning Savior upon the cross, and your hope in the living Intercessor at the right hand of God.
Gospel Portions is traditionally styled with grace and durability in mind. It is printed on heavy weight paper that includes large margins and additional blank pages for note-taking. The font is large and readable. Each volume includes a sewn-in ribbon to help keep your place in each of the four sections. The 6 x 8 supple cover is flexible and made of durable simulated leather with burnished branding, titling, and art. We believe this little devotional will be useful in your personal devotions, family worship, and times of fellowship with other believers.
Author: Dr. Ryan Bush lives in Arkansas with his wife and five children. He serves as a coordinator for HeartCry Missionary Society. He seeks to build up the church by serving as an elder of his local church, as well as teaching missions at Grace Bible Theological Seminary. Endorsements: In functional terms, Christians tend toward thinking that God's grace saves us, but after that, we've got to get ourselves to glory. This simply is not true; in Scripture, we hear Paul warmly remind us that "our sufficiency is from God" (2 Cor. 3:5). As Ryan Bush notes in this marvelous book, "The gospel saved us; the gospel also sustains us." That's the secret to joyful Christianity and to empowered sanctification. The gospel is not just the power of God to regenerate; it is the power of God to transform. To let that sink into your soul, read this book, enjoy this book, and feed on the life-giving truth of God found in it. Do so knowing this: God will bring you all the way home. Gospel Portions arrived in my late husband Joel's last days. It was accepted as a timely gift opening a unique way of interacting with the timeless gospel. It remains a great assistant to me, and prayerfully to my children in years to come. A well-ordered compilation of moving gospel passages, prayers, hymns, and exhortative readings sure to aid the pilgrim in need of rescue and rest. Ryan Bush's compilation of Scripture passages and quotations, all reminding believers of the richness, breadth, and depth of the gospel, is a vast treasure-store of Christian encouragement. Just a few minutes reading, in any of the sections of this marvelous book, will provide the reader with insight, wisdom, and godly perspective that grounds our hope in God and our love for Christ. Here is a book to hold onto for years, and use over and again to grow in faith, to fight our doubts, and to flee to Christ in hope and joy. You cannot have too much of the gospel. The good news of Jesus Christ, received in faith, not only makes us well but keeps us well. This little book serves as a cache of gospel vitamins and minerals, stored up for you to dip into so that you can-by means of meditating on these Scripture portions, intercessions, hymns, and brief readings-keep your soul sound and strong through dwelling much upon the Saviour. In biblical counseling, we seek to help people establish righteous habits that lead to heart change. This focus usually includes pointing people to truths in Scripture, specific prayers, singing theologically rich songs, or good biblical wisdom from other godly men. Gospel Portions provides this in an easily accessible and wonderfully helpful way. Whether for yourself or in ministering to others, this is an excellent resource to help keep your mind focused on gospel truth. Ryan Bush has compiled a true gift to fellow believers in this work that trains us to "preach the gospel" to ourselves. Gospel Portions is an accessible devotional that is easily commendable for personal and family devotional times, and its contents can lead its reader much further into the realms of contemplation and worship. Ryan invites you to dwell deeply on the gospel through Scripture, through song, and through prayer, all leading the Christian toward encouragement and hope. This book is a timely guide for encouraging gospel strength among those who are facing the spiritual challenges of this world. Paul instructed the church at Colossae to "set their minds on things above." In Gospel Portions, my friend and big brother in the faith has helped me do just that! Pulling from the Scriptures, prayers from church history, rich hymns of the faith, and snippets of encouragement from trusted sources, Ryan Bush has done the hard work of compilation so that we, who have the pleasure of using this book devotionally, are moved to the exaltation of our King. I carry it in my bag when I travel. I have a copy beside me on my desk. And I give away every copy I can get my hands on to those around me. Praise God for Gospel Portions!
--Dr. Owen Strachan, Provost, Grace Bible Theological Seminary, Conway, AR Author, Always in God's Hands: Day by Day in the Company of Jonathan Edwards
--Emily Tiegreen, Mother to Owen, Emma, Judson, Abraham, and James, Former Missionary to Turkey Siloam Springs, AR
--Bruce A. Ware, Professor of Christian Theology, Southern Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
--Jeremy Walker, Pastor, Maidenbower Baptist Church, Crawley, England, Author, The Brokenhearted Evangelist
--Mark W. Williams, Pastor, Tumbling Shoals Baptist Church, Tumbling Shoals, AR, ACBC Certified Biblical Counselor
--Josh Howard, Pastor, Grace Community Church, Battle Creek, MI Author, A Primer for Conflict
--Chris Wilson Pastor, Saltpetre Community Church, Fort Gay, WV
Additional Information:
Cover: | Simulated Leather |
Number of Pages: | 163 |
Publisher: | Free Grace Press |
Publication Date: | 2023 |