Life in the Body of Christ: Privileges and Responsibilities in the Local Church
ISBN: 9781943539437Biblical, spiritual, practical and sensible, this book fills a gaping hole in contemporary Christian literature. Curtis Thomas pours into these pages over forty years of fruitful experience in local church life and witness. They deserve to be widely read and will surely be of outstanding help to all who do so with a willingness to learn.
--Dr. John Blanchard (1932 - 2021)
For almost 50 years Curtis Thomas pastored several Baptist Churches in central Arkansas, and retired in 1998 as the Executive Pastor of The Bible Church of Little Rock. In addition to Life in the Body of Christ, he authored Practical Wisdom for Pastors and was co-author of two other works: The Five Points of Calvinism: Defined, Defended and Documented and Romans: An Interpretive Outline. He and his wife, Betty, live in Little Rock, Arkansas where they serve as active members of Redeemer Community Church. In his middle 80's he continues to teach a number of home classes verse by verse through Paul's letter to the Romans. They have three sons and five grandchildren.
"Life in the Body of Christ is yet another much-needed book from Curtis Thomas packed with theological soundness, pastoral wisdom and practical guidance. Every church member should read it and use it regularly. How many problems in churches could be solved quickly if the wise advice contained in this volume were conscientiously followed by church members."
--Joel R. Beeke, Pastor, Heritage Reformed Congregation, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Author of many volumes, including A Quest for Full Assurance and A Reader's Guide to Reformed Literature
"When I first saw the title of this book by Curtis Thomas, Life in the Body of Christ, I thought it might be a duplication of a book I coauthored called Life in the Father's House. However, as I read through the book I became aware that his book actually was a companion volume to our book in that it covered many very helpful and practical issues with which our book does not deal. In my opinion, this book will provide in succinct form much useful information on a large variety of everyday issues that ordinary church members face. I encourage people to purchase the book, read it, study it and follow the many practical directives that are found in it. By so doing the individual Christian and the church corporate will be strengthened and blessed."
--Dr. Wayne Mack, Elder, Lynnwood Baptist Church, South Africa, Director, ACBC Africa, Author of several volumes, including Strengthening Your Marriage; Your Family God's Way
"Curtis Thomas has condensed decades of church ministry into a few dozen, easy-to-understand pages. Life in the Body of Christ is versatile enough to work as a text in a new Christian's class to ground spiritual babes in the Christian life, in a new member's class, or in a small group study to help believers at all levels of maturity grow as part of Christ's church."
--Donald W. Whitney, Seminary Professor, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary,Author of several volumes, including Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life and Spiritual Disciplines Within the Church
"Being a member of a church and serving within the body of Christ is not to be taken lightly. As a result, Curtis Thomas has written an excellent volume to practically help Christians function biblically along with others in the church. The book is easy to read, full of Scripture, challenging in its application and very appropriate for individual or group study. I highly recommend Life in the Body of Christ."
--Martha Peace, Biblical counselor, Conference Teacher, Author of The Excellent Wife and Attitudes of a Transformed Heart
"Today's Christians have largely lost sight of what it means to be a member of a local congregation. In far too many cases, the local church has been turned into a voluntary association, and church membership has been reduced to a matter of occasional participation and minimal involvement. Curtis C. Thomas knows that the Bible calls us to a far higher vision. Now retired after almost a half-century in ministry, Thomas writes with a wealth of experience that he draws from deep wells of conviction. These short chapters will instruct, encourage and inform. Life in the Body of Christ offers a wealth of wisdom and points the way towards a recovery of biblical church membership."
--Dr. R. Albert Mohler,, Jr. President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Host, TheBriefingPodcast, Author of The Conviction to Lead and He Is Not Silent
"This book is a compendium of wisdom about a neglected topic-churchmanship. Curtis Thomas writes as one who has been seasoned by a life consumed with the study of the Word of God, with years of pastoral experience and the godly maturity of a gracious saint who has run the race and kept the faith. His insights into the nature of the Christian life, the needs of God's people and the centrality of the church in the plan of God are superlative. This is a great book. If widely read and taken to heart, it will revitalize God's people and strengthen Christ's church."
--Dr. Tedd Tripp, Pastor Emeritus, Grace Fellowship Church, Hazelton, PA, President, Shepherding a Child's Heart Ministries, Author of Shepherding a Child's Heart and Hints for Parents: With Gospel Encouragements
Additional Information:
Cover: | Hardcover |
Number of Pages: | 261 |
Publisher: | Founders Press |
Publication Date: | 2023 |