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Trouble at Windy Acres
Landis, Mary M.

Trouble at Windy Acres

ISBN: 9780739901175
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Book Description:

When Uncle Lewis Winters suffers a heart attack and Jonathan and Carl have to help Tom Hillman with the chores at Windy Acres, an exciting and perplexing chain of events is sent in motion that carries the reader along with keen interest and suspense until the closing chapter of the book.

Choring with impatient and unreasonable Tom Hillman presents quite a few problems for Carl, who is a young Christian and whose natural impulses are to retaliate. Cousin Harold's efforts to help one evening bring only more complications.

High Christian ideals are upheld throughout the book, with special teaching given on loving our enemies, praying for those who despitefully use us, and suffering injustice without retaliation.

Additional Information:

Cover: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 208
Author: Landis, Mary M.
Publisher: Rod and Staff Publishers
Publication Date: 1976