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Welwyn Commentary Series - Amos: The Lord is His Name
Keddie, Gordon J.

Welwyn Commentary Series - Amos: The Lord is His Name

ISBN: 9780852342244
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Book Description:

The message of Amos is pre-eminently a message of new life. The message, however, comes in the context of a nation under judgement. Israel hid the emptiness and godlessness of a corrupt society behind an apathetic and nominal outward religion, like so many today.

God's view of our society is revealed in Amos in no uncertain terms. While no refuge is offered for those who reject or disregard God's will, shining through the gloom most brightly is the precious gift of new life through faith in God's Saviour, His Son Jesus Christ.


Gordon J. Keddie is the minister of Grace Presbyterian Church in State College, Pennsylvania. He is the author of numerous titles including He spoke in parables and seven other Welwyn Commentaries published by EP Books.

Additional Information:

Cover: Softcover
Number of Pages: 137
Publisher: EP Books
Publication Date: 2017
Discussion Questions: Included