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Crucial Questions - What is the Relationship Between Church and State?
Sproul, R.C.

Crucial Questions - What is the Relationship Between Church and State?

ISBN: 9781642890549
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Book Description:

Is the state accountable to God?

In the United States, people often hear the phrase "separation of church and state." Many assume this means the government should rule without taking God into account. But that idea is a distortion of the truth.

In this booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul explains where the government ultimately gets its authority: from God Himself. God ordained the state to protect life and promote justice. Christians must respect and honor their earthly authorities but at the same time remember that God is the highest authority of all.

The Crucial Questions booklet series by Dr. R.C. Sproul offers succinct answers to important questions often asked by Christians and thoughtful inquirers.


Dr. R.C. Sproul was founder of Ligonier Ministries, founding pastor of Saint Andrew's Chapel in Sanford, Fla., and first president of Reformation Bible College. He was author of more than one hundred books, including The Holiness of God.

Additional Information:

Cover: Softcover - mini
Number of Pages: 56
Publisher: Reformation Trust
Publication Date: 2019